Dab Rigs Dab Rig Kits
Dab Rigs Dab Rig Kits
Discrete packaging ensure this shipment looks like everything else. Domestic shipping is always free and plain shipping packaging means your neighbors will never know what it is. At checkout you can add shipping protection that will fully replace any unit that is damaged / lost / stolen in transit. Temperature is essential when extract vaping because it has a profound effect on the flavor and intensity. You must be 21 years of age or older to purchase our products.
A quality quartz banger will make a world of difference in the heating and vaporization process. Some quartz nails have beveled edges so that carb caps are more stable when placed in them. It is all about practice and researching what is perfect for you and your setup. Perfecting your low-temperature dabbing and carb cap usage will give you the entire amazing flavor that your concentrates have to offer. This palm-sized electric dab rig is powered by a long-lasting battery that heats up the Peak in just 20 seconds. Thanks to haptic feedback and discreet LED lights, you're clued in at all times while using this smart rig.