A look at this bong and you realize it might have been brought from the future by the Terminator in The Rise of the Machines. The design is mesmerizing and will make an excellent addition to any collection. With this bong, you'll experience a unique smoking experience. This Smokenator consists of several percolators to make sure you get hits of the highest quality. The showerhead perc has a very interesting appearance. Slits or holes at the base of the showerhead perc create bubbles that diffuse and filter the smoke. The spiral percolator at the center of the Smokenator is visually interesting and amps the aesthetics of this bong. The spiral perc forces your smoke to travel a longer distance and you get smoother and longer drags. Enter the double donut recycler which are indeed shaped like a donut. The position of the two arms of the recycler on either side of the Smokenator gives this bong an interesting and eye-catching appearance. The double donut recycler carries water containing vapor to the upper chamber of the bong effectively cooling, filtrating and preserving the flavor of your hits. There is a donut perc in the upper chamber which acts as another cooling stop. The percs and the recycler work together to filter, moisturize and cool your hits, delivering you hits of the highest quality to maximize your enjoyment. The Smokenator also includes an icecatcher if you want ice-cold hits. Ice-cold hits give a different kind of high and allows you maximize your relaxation in a different way.